Imagem de um caderno com ilustrações coloridas e uma mão segurando uma caneca de café

Start-up – the new innovative actors that make a difference!

Innovative, creative, looking to the future: this is the motto of an effective start-up. This new business model is experiencing tremendous success in recent years and for good reason! It’s the promise of a real source of challenge around young values. The corporate world is therefore being redesigned to make way for fresh and dynamic structures focused on technological and societal issues.

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Imagem de uma fita cassete

Animated ads: when retro marketing invades the advertising

Time has come for the trend of the animated ad. A form of advertising designed to awaken the child in all of us! And for good reason, it does not hesitate to plunge us right back into our childhood to make "adhesion" and "aspiration" rhyme. Retro marketing is definitely inviting itself into the world of advertising, breaking the codes of traditional advertising.

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Imagem de um sofá e de uma televisão ligada em um programa animado

5 soap opera intros in animation

The soap opera is doubtlessly one of the greatest prides of Brazilian people when we talk about TV. Over the decades, watching soap operas has become a daily habit in the Brazilian homes. One of the reasons for the success of Brazilian soap operas is in its format, that is, the daily exhibition, the long seasons, the long-running episodes, the script, which is adaptable to the public reaction and, finally, the intros. As in the series, the intros of the soap operas usually carry the synthesis of the story. Thus, as an important element, the use of animation in the intros demonstrates the creative quality that the resource provides to such an important product to Brazilian culture. Below we have five examples of Brazilian soap operas that used animation in their intros.

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